This is not a joke!

11:52 AM

The debut of the Blog Report just so happens to be on April Fool's Day 2006!

Let me tell you a little bit about Blog Report.

Everyday we are bombarded by what we see on TV, the Internet, and what we read in magazines and in the newspaper. There is always a New York Best-Seller that tells us the end is near and books about how the world culture is crumbling to bits at a rapid pace.

No more!

The Blog Report is a happy place.

I will do my best to seek out news stories, articles and personalized blogs all of a happy nature!

Let's look on the bright side for once.

At the Blog Report, the good news is: there is no bad news!

Good News for the day:
It's a girl, and a girl, and a girl, and a girl, and a boy!

Mom of quintuplets get's a belly cast.

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Random Blog of the day: Cybertoad's Garden

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Random Link of the day: Orisinal

A fun site with all sorts of cute games.
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